DevTeam.Space Developer Profile, Andres


DevTeam.Space Developer Profile, Andres Swift Developer

United States
Experience: 5 years
Availability: Full-time
Hire Andres
United States
Experience: 5 years
Availability: Full-time
Swift Developer at DevTeam.Space since May 1, 2023

Andres has over 5 years of experience as a mobile application developer, specifically in iOS development. His main tech stack includes Swift, Objective-C, SwiftUI, RxSwift, UIKit, and Combine.

Expert In
Also worked with
United States
Experience: 5 years
Availability: Full-time
Skills and Qualifications



  • Swinject





  • Agile Scrum
  • APN
  • Bitbucket
  • Clean architecture
  • Decorator
  • Delegation
  • FP
  • Gitflow
  • GitHub
  • GitLab
  • JSON
  • Kanban
  • Multithreading
  • MVC
  • MVVM
  • Observer
  • OOP
  • Scrumban
  • Singleton
  • UI Kit
  • Unix

Data bases

Featured DevTeam.Space Projects



Web and Mobile


Android iOS Mobile PHP

An MVP update and mobile app release for Alibra that included updated grades and vocabulary, and personal and non-personal forms.




CA, United States

All backend All frontend Android iOS Python

A dental hiring platform for web and mobile to match temporary workers with local dental offices.


Some of Andres’s Projects


Mobile Developer

AquaFan is a native mobile application that allows users to book water and other entertainment activities in the USA. Its main feature is the ability to bundle 2 to 5 water activities together, enabling users to get greater discounts by booking more activities. The application supports roles for both customers and business operators. It also allows users to register and log in via email or social media (Google, Apple, Facebook). Andres’s tasks included: developing the catalog (Explore) of all water activities, with filters by time, number of participants, price range, and types/subtypes of activities; implementing a search feature on the map and a favorites section with editable wish lists; creating a profile section; integrating Zendesk for technical support and implementing in-app chat features using WebSockets; developing the "My Orders" section for users; implementing payment options and notifications.

AquaFan is a native mobile application that allows users to book water and other entertainment activities in the USA. Its main feature is the ability to bundle 2 to 5 water activities together, enabling users to get greater discounts by booking more activities. The application supports roles for...

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Alamofire Clean architecture Cocoapods MVVM RxSwift Stripe Swift UI Kit Websocket

CRM/ETMS Medical System

Mobile Developer

This comprehensive CRM/ETMS solution creates a generalized ecosystem for pharmaceutical companies. Specifically, it helps them with sales, marketing, customer communication, and data analysis. Key functionalities include client database management, client categorization, territory management, sales and marketing activities, time management, business analytics, mobile versions for iOS and Android, intelligent communications, CLM presentations, automatic reporting, and GPS monitoring. Andres’s tasks included: restoring synchronization between the application and the web server; updating UIWebView components to WKWebView; fixing JS display issues in webview; fixing issues with application options; adding password recovery, and account deletion functionalities; sorting displayed brands and calculating/displaying communication weight.

This comprehensive CRM/ETMS solution creates a generalized ecosystem for pharmaceutical companies. Specifically, it helps them with sales, marketing, customer communication, and data analysis. Key functionalities include client database management, client categorization, territory management, sales...

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CI/CD Clean architecture Crashlytics Firebase GitLab Objective-C SQLite Swift UI Kit

Telecom Platform

Mobile Developer

This project involved maintaining and upgrading an existing application, which required changes to existing screens, the addition of new screens, and the modification or addition of logic. The project was divided into several areas: Telecom, which focused on direct work with subscribers, and Platform, which focused on the directional logic. It followed the Kanban methodology. Andres’s tasks in the Platform team included: adding metrics and correcting rows; creating new screens and redesigning old ones; fixing numerous bugs that existed or arose during development; contributing to joint activities aimed at improving the development process.

This project involved maintaining and upgrading an existing application, which required changes to existing screens, the addition of new screens, and the modification or addition of logic. The project was divided into several areas: Telecom, which focused on direct work with subscribers, and...

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Alamofire Core Data iOS MapKit SnapKit SwiftUI UI Kit


Mobile Developer

Ask-me is a unique social marketplace where users can communicate with popular figures like artists, athletes, bloggers, and experts. Users ask questions, set response times and prices, and moderators handle user complaints and block unfavorable users. The app features protections against obscene language and prohibited videos. It allows users to like, comment, and share video responses, create video posts, add favorites, increase ratings, earn from responses, and attract referrals. Andres’s tasks included: developing the messaging system, UI, and business logic using SwiftUI and Combine; connecting WebSocket for messaging, capturing video via a camera, and uploading from the gallery to allow media to be sent to others; integrating AWS Amplify for easier AWS service use and AWS S3 for video storage; using AWS Rekognition for video compliance verification; adding a repost functionality for messages to display in the app feed and utilizing AVKit for video playback, favorites, reposting, and comment features.

Ask-me is a unique social marketplace where users can communicate with popular figures like artists, athletes, bloggers, and experts. Users ask questions, set response times and prices, and moderators handle user complaints and block unfavorable users. The app features protections against obscene...

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AVKit AWS iOS Payment Systems Swift SwiftUI Websocket


Mobile Developer

Outist is a social network for dating and organizing events. Users can create and join events, find new friends, and discuss activities. The app shows nearby people with similar interests and collects statistics and feedback on events. It includes user and event chats. Andres’s tasks included: implementing the user authorization view and the event system using OAuth; adding user registration and invitation features using Universal Links; developing views for displaying event lists, and the ability to create, record, and delete events.

Outist is a social network for dating and organizing events. Users can create and join events, find new friends, and discuss activities. The app shows nearby people with similar interests and collects statistics and feedback on events. It includes user and event chats. Andres’s tasks included:...

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AVKit Combine iOS Swift SwiftUI Websocket