DevTeam.Space Developer Profile, Denis


DevTeam.Space Developer Profile, Denis Node.js Developer

Experience: 6 years
Availability: Full-time
Hire Denis
Experience: 6 years
Availability: Full-time
Node.js Developer at DevTeam.Space since December 10, 2022

Denis has been a software engineer for over five years. He specializes in developing web applications using a technology stack that includes JavaScript, TypeScript, React.js, Redux, Redux-Saga, and Node.js.

Expert In
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Experience: 6 years
Availability: Full-time
Skills and Qualifications





  • Git
  • Webpack
  • Docker



  • Apache
  • Nginx

Data bases

Featured DevTeam.Space Projects

Cryptocurrency Exchange And Secure Wallet




All backend All frontend Blockchain React

Code refactoring and ongoing product support for the cryptocurrency exchange.

Cryptocurrency Exchange



United States

All backend All frontend Design Python

A cryptocurrency wallet and an exchange platform to trade fiat currencies and crypto tokens.


Some of Denis’s Projects

Video Surveillance


This project focuses on implementing integrated video surveillance to create ‘smart cities’ (traffic cameras, intercoms, PTZ cameras, etc.). It uses a modular architecture and includes many modules such as video analytics, training, photo archives, facility diagrams, etc. It is also built on cartography (Leaflet) and features clusters and camera marker layers. Denis was responsible for implementing features related to the redesign (changing the layout of the components) and fixing the numerous existing bugs.

This project focuses on implementing integrated video surveillance to create ‘smart cities’ (traffic cameras, intercoms, PTZ cameras, etc.). It uses a modular architecture and includes many modules such as video analytics, training, photo archives, facility diagrams, etc. It is also built on...

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Semiotech is a software-as-a-service web application aimed at US law firms. In the US, lawyers preparing to defend a client must analyze and collate dozens of documents to create defendant claim charts, something that is very labor-intensive. This web application helps users create these charts by automating many otherwise labor-intensive tasks. Denis’s tasks included: integrating the API provided by Gridlogics to obtain text and images of US patent documentation from the USPTO; creating the ability to parse XML files and documents; enabling text recognition and reproduction in multiple modes; developing a functionality that allows users to create projects for groups of users/lawyers within a specific company, allowing them to work together or separately using certain documents.

Semiotech is a software-as-a-service web application aimed at US law firms. In the US, lawyers preparing to defend a client must analyze and collate dozens of documents to create defendant claim charts, something that is very labor-intensive. This web application helps users create these charts by...

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Stoloto is one the largest distributors in Europe of state lotteries. Denis’s tasks included: developing a new landing page; fixing visual bugs, re-rendering components, optimizing the React application, and adapting the layout; developing GraphQL schema (in collaboration with the backend developer); fixing a bug related to constant GraphQL queries when scrolling the page; editing components for proper display in the desktop version.

Stoloto is one the largest distributors in Europe of state lotteries. Denis’s tasks included: developing a new landing page; fixing visual bugs, re-rendering components, optimizing the React application, and adapting the layout; developing GraphQL schema (in collaboration with the backend...

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Cryptocurrency Service


This online service automatically calculates indicators and compares cryptocurrency pairs in real-time. Up-to-date cryptocurrency data is sourced from major platforms like Binance and the global spot exchange Huobi. Denis worked on: implementing the smart-list logic to display data for about 400 trading pairs from Binance and Huobi; integrating TradingView charts to display data on selected trading pairs; integrating the payment system and implementing a subscription service with multiple tariff options and a trial period.

This online service automatically calculates indicators and compares cryptocurrency pairs in real-time. Up-to-date cryptocurrency data is sourced from major platforms like Binance and the global spot exchange Huobi. Denis worked on: implementing the smart-list logic to display data for about 400...

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Evrythng is an Internet of Things (IoT) platform that manages the digital data of various items (both digital and physical) sold by Evrythng customers. The platform includes services like Activate, Authenticate, and Amplify. Denis worked on Amplify, which allows companies to create their workspace and track product demand and statistics online. His main tasks included: building graphs to display product statistics in IoT; customizing D3.js charts; modifying a finished library to meet project requirements; solving non-standard problems, such as transferring a custom layout to Material-UI and customizing it due to a lack of ready-made libraries.

Evrythng is an Internet of Things (IoT) platform that manages the digital data of various items (both digital and physical) sold by Evrythng customers. The platform includes services like Activate, Authenticate, and Amplify. Denis worked on Amplify, which allows companies to create their workspace...

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