DevTeam.Space Developer Profile, Tony


DevTeam.Space Developer Profile, Tony ML and Data Science Developer

Experience: 10 years
Availability: Full-time
Hire Tony
Experience: 10 years
Availability: Full-time
ML and Data Science Developer at DevTeam.Space since September 25, 2017

Tony is an expert data scientist with a decade of experience in software development and has led teams on various innovative projects.

Also worked with
Experience: 10 years
Availability: Full-time
Skills and Qualifications




  • Keras
  • librosa
  • sklearn
  • Tensorflow
  • Tensorflow-Serving




  • CNNs
  • RNNs
  • Transformers

Data bases

Featured DevTeam.Space Projects

Natural Language Processing for a Book Publisher

Machine Learning



Machine Learning Python

A natural language processing engine to classify ebooks by genre and customize social ads.


Some of Tony’s Projects


Team Lead Data Scientist

For the Dozor Project with a car-sharing company, Tony developed an Android app featuring facial recognition to verify authorized drivers and a novel smoking detection capability, designed from scratch. This required extensive research, data collection, and experimentation with neural networks, resulting in an accurate, offline-capable system for embedded car systems.

For the Dozor Project with a car-sharing company, Tony developed an Android app featuring facial recognition to verify authorized drivers and a novel smoking detection capability, designed from scratch. This required extensive research, data collection, and experimentation with neural networks,...

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Android Keras Python Tensorflow Tensorflow-Serving YOLO


Team Lead Data Scientist

In the BusFactor project, Tony focused on monitoring public transport drivers for mobile phone use while driving, ensuring correct camera alignment and continuous operation within the driver's cabin. He successfully managed the deployment of these models onto the client's systems.

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Keras Python Tensorflow Tensorflow-Serving YOLO

Recognition of goods on the shelves

Team Lead Data Scientist

For a merchandising solution, Tony worked on recognizing goods on shelves, comparing actual product arrangements with planned layouts. This involved OCR, one-shot learning, image generation in Blender, and the development of marking tools for real products. He explored various detection and classification methods, optimized models for Android devices, and experimented with OCR and one-shot learning techniques.

For a merchandising solution, Tony worked on recognizing goods on shelves, comparing actual product arrangements with planned layouts. This involved OCR, one-shot learning, image generation in Blender, and the development of marking tools for real products. He explored various detection and...

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Keras Python Tensorflow Tensorflow-Serving YOLO


Data Scientist

In the Hitfactor project, he contributed to developing a system to detect athletic starting signals or shots in soundtracks using convolutional and recurrent neural networks. Tony improved the system's accuracy in identifying relevant sounds by employing clustering algorithms, distinguishing important shots from background noise.

In the Hitfactor project, he contributed to developing a system to detect athletic starting signals or shots in soundtracks using convolutional and recurrent neural networks. Tony improved the system's accuracy in identifying relevant sounds by employing clustering algorithms, distinguishing...

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Keras librosa Python Tensorflow